
San Francisco - Seth Wood


【乡村民谣】San Francisco - Seth Wood

Seth Wood,独立民谣艺人,来自美国美国乡村音乐之都:田纳西州首府纳什维尔,擅长吉他弹唱。他有着一副独到的细腻嗓音,亲切热情而不失流行元素。


《San Francisco》

(v.1) How can you live in San Francisco? 
How can you live beside the sea? 
How can you live beside the rail lines, 
in a city that's too phony? 

(v.2) How can you see through the silver lining, 
when all the foggy streets have made you doubt? 
How can you find friends when there is nobody
left to tear your pages out? 

I'll find a way
When there's nothing else to lose
I'll find a way out
Cause nothing is lost
I'll find a way
If there's nothing else prove, 
how can you forget my blues? 

(v.3) How can you live in San Francisco? 
How can you live beside the sea? 
How can you live beside the rail lines, 
Miles and miles apart from me?



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